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Club Rules

Title – The club shall be known as VC Revolution or abbreviated in communication to VCR.

Colours – The club’s colours will be Mid Blue, Black and White.

Objectives – For all members to enjoy VCR cycle club activities safely and for the club to help develop members to their full potential.

Membership – The club is open to all people subject to approval of the Club Secretary.

Behaviours – Any member whose behaviour or actions prejudices the interests of the club or fails to adhere to club rules can be expelled from the club by the Management Team. Anyone so expelled shall forfeit all claims on Club property.

Disputes – Particulars of disputes shall be made in writing to the General Secretary, who shall take these to the Management Team. The Management Team’s findings shall be final and binding to all parties.

Amendments to these rules can only be made by a two-thirds majority of a General Club meeting.

Club runsPrior to going on any ride, members and invited guests should be aware of our club run organisation and club run etiquette, and be mindful of the key to group riding.

Coffee and Cake – Café stops are a key aspect of our club runs, so a love of coffee (or tea), cake and a chat are a must!

Affiliations – The club will affiliate to British Cycling (BC), Cycling Time Trials (CTT) and the Eastern Road Race League (ERRL). Affiliation to other related bodies will be given consideration by the Management Team.

Club Promotions – On the occasion of a club promotion, it is requested that club members assist where required to ensure the promotion runs safely and successfully i.e. Marshalling / Catering / Start and Finishing duties.

Management Team – The club’s Management Team will consist of Chairperson, Club Secretary, Treasurer Vice Chair, Club Welfare Officer and any other officers the club deems necessary.

Administration Team – The club’s Administration Team will consist of Chairperson, Club Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Chair and any other officers the club deems necessary

Subscriptions – The membership year is from the 1st January to the 31st December. Subscriptions to be paid by January 31st, after which non-payment may count as defaulted membership. New members joining after 30th of September will have their subscription validated to the end of the following year. Members resigning from the club will not be eligible for a refund of subscription monies.

Subscriptions will be categorised in the following format:

  • Family Membership £25 (Families consisting of up to two adults and any youths or juniors living at the same address)
  • Adult (18+) £15
  • Junior (aged 16 to 17) £10
  • Youths (under 16) – welcome as part of family membership
  • Second Claim Membership £15 – suitable when VCR is not your primary cycling club

Only First Claim members may take Management positions, make proposals or vote at club meetings.

Finances – The Financial Year shall end on the 30th September of every year. The Treasurer will present an audited statement of Accounts to the AGM, which shall be held by the Club Secretary.

Clothing – Wherever possible, official club clothing shall be worn whilst riding on the road.

Insurance – All members should have some form of third-party insurance cover when cycling with VCR (or at other times) whether it be through British Cycling, Cycling UK or an alternative provider. VCR has third party (public) liability insurance cover through British Cycling’s Club Insurance. This covers the club; officials of the club who are acting on the club’s specific instructions i.e. ride leaders, event organisers and individuals (non-club members) who have been invited to participate in club activities as invitees with a genuine view to joining the club and are not already covered by any other insurance.

Club Data Protection Statement – All members should be familiar with the VCR Data Protection Statement and should contact the General Secretary with any questions / issues.

Trophies – A member who resigns from the club may be presented with trophies won by themselves whilst a member of the club, but on resignation must relinquish all trophies.

Club Meetings and A.G.M. – It is intended that the Management Team will hold club meetings on a quarterly basis and the Admin Team on a monthly basis. Decisions taken at the A.G.M. shall not be repealed except by future A.G.M.’s or E.G.M.’s.

Amendments to these rules can only be made by a two-thirds majority of a General Club meeting.